Maintaining a budget is important, but there are ways to save money and can be fun too. Going to yard sales or garage sales can help you satisfy both needs and problems. Let me tell you how yard sailing can save you money, (lots of money).
There are all types of sales like this you should consider when you are looking for something. There are the regular yard and garage sales, but there are also all kinds of online forums now, many locally hosted. Here we have one called “Varage Sale”. It does very well and I have sold and bought many things on there.
Don’t forget Craigslist and your classifieds. There are also high end consignment sales. Our community as many, some focus on baby things and others a selection of items. First a few really good tips.
Go Early
The truth is that eventually you will see anything and everything you need at a yard sale. The key is go often enough and early enough. The old phrase The Early Bird Catches The Worm is true, very, very true when it comes to yard sales. If you want to save money yard sailing is the way to do it but you have to go early.
If you are looking for something in particular and you want to find it in good condition, going early is the key. Usually people that frequent garage sales get up early. Especially the ones looking for treasure. Now if you are looking for something that is not necessarily a treasure than you may be okay to go a little later in the morning.
If you are looking for big ticket items, then someone else maybe also. You don’t want to get out of your car and another person is carrying your queen size bed to their vehicle, right? So get up early.
The First Of The Year Write Out Some Things You Need
Take your trusty Bullet Journal out and designate a page called, Things We Need This Year. This is not an exhaustive list of necessities. Not every need you have can be bought at a yard sale, garage sale or consignment shop. There definitely things I would not buy at a yard sale, but there are plenty of things I would buy at a yard sale before I would buy it new.
The list, “Things We Need This Year” are not urgent things necessarily, maybe just a few updates. Here is my list for 2019:
If you do not bullet journal and have no idea what it is I write about them a lot. It keeps my life somewhat straight. Here is How to Bullet Journal. h
One of the reason I write these things down is to keep me focused. Part of the fun in a yard sale is the treasure hunt. So let’t talk how yard sailing can save you money, lots of money.
How Yard Sailing and Where Yard Sailing Saves You Money
Don’t buy new furniture. It is just not the same as the stuff they used to make. Now I am not talking about mattresses or maybe a couch. We can’t seem to make a couch last more than about 7 years, unless you buy a leather one your husband wanted.;)
Furniture is one of those things that if you are patient you will find what you need at some point. I have bought almost everything in my house at a sale of this sort. Even my bedroom furniture.

I am like everyone else in some ways and I get tired of my furniture. The most recent trend that I have seen and really wanted a part of was the French Cottage look. Now I can not change my whole house to that, but I do really love that look. So I decided I wanted to French Bergere chairs. I love them.
I also don’t want dark colored ones, so I knew I eventually would probably have to recover some. That is the biggest reason not to buy new, you don’t want to spend a lot of money on something you will change when you get it home.
I did find my French Bergere chairs. I bought them from a woman moving. That is the perfect place to buy something nice. I got both of them for 300$

Now I am a cheap skate when it comes to shopping at garage sales or any consignment shop, but I had been looking a long time. I made the mistake of committing to some earlier on line and they were ‘Petite chairs” . Since I had already committed to them I bought them from the girl. They were much cheaper and I realized why when I got there, but I never tell someone I want something and then not buy them. Unless I’ve said that BEFORE I get there.
The dresser and the chairs on the right were also given to me. The table and rug there were bought at a garage sale.
Don’t Be In A Hurry
The key to finding what you need from this type of sale is not being in a hurry. I had some chairs to sit on in my sun room they just were not what I wanted. Patience is the key and diligence is the other big key.
I have a friend that usually goes with me. We go at least 2 a month, sometimes more in the spring. The first of the month is the best time to go and estate sales or moving sales are the best type to go to. That is not to say you won’t really score something fantastic other times.
We bought one of the best refrigerators we ever had from a man that repaired refrigerators that Lowe’s did not want to deal with. It was brand new had never been used. I used that refrigerator for 17 years and paid 60% less than if we had bought it directly from the store.
We live near an airbase, so people are moving all the time. Quite frankly, people move all the time everywhere now, so there are deals our there for everyone.
Patience will help in finding the appliance you need. The key is to know what you need and search for what you want. You can achieve both.
Home Decor
People’s taste change, things that were once felt to be “in” go “out”. This happens all the time. Yard sales are the perfect opportunity to update your decor.
Everything in this picture was picked up at a yard sale. I could walk through every room in my house and find treasures I bought over the years at Yard sales.
Amateur Art

I love this painting and yes I did buy this wonderful painting at a yard sale. They were getting rid of everything in the house.

I always buy art to at these type of sales. You can buy beautiful pictures at these kind of sales. There is every type and style of art available out there for sale and guess what, I have never paid more than 50$ for a single one of these paintings. You can save a lot of money here.
Guess what, sometimes I go to church knowing I spent 1.00$ on my outfit. That is crazy isn’t it. To know that you can spend pennies on the dollar for clothing, but it is true.
The key to buying clothes at any type of consignment sale is inspecting it very closely and knowing the right size. I take a tape measure with me every time I go to a sale.
Thank goodness both of my daughters do not mind clothing that comes from these types of sales. I buy many many items for myself and my grandchildren. These days there are really nice consignment shops for children. You can find all price ranges at those kinds of stores.
I really believe that whatever your hobby is, you can find the things you need to sustain it at sales. I have seen cameras, fabric, sewing machines, paint supplies, art, craft supplies, even Cricuts. Look long enough and you will find what it is you need.
People do not like to keep books anymore. We live in the era of Kindles and other types of readers. You can find recent hardbacks and paperbacks for 50 cents to a dollar.
Children’s books are the same way. Storage is a problem for this type of item and people are willing to sell them for pennies on the dollar.
I love to buy vintage pillow cases. The have amazing embroidery on them. They are also usually soft as butter. There are always comforters, quilts and any type of covering you can think of, hot water and soap can take can of any worries you have.
Honestly, the sky is the limit. There really isn’t anything you can not buy. People are always moving or getting a divorce, going to nursing homes. They can not take everything with them. So, why shouldn’t you benefit from the place they are in life.
Save Big Time
- Home Decor
- Candles
- Frames
- Books
- Clothes
- Bedding
- Children’s Clothes
- Baby Items, strollers, etc
- Cameras
- Appliances
- Furniture
The List Is Limitless
You really can save money this way. Just think about trying it out. The next time you think of something you NEED for you life, instead of ordering it or going to the big box stores, start out on a modern day treasure hunt. You will enjoy the venture and probably end up with something far better than what is available in the store. Honestly,