New Grandparents, here we will talk about some of the most important tips for this big day. Being new grandparents is an important role. Getting it right will be important. Grandma and grandpa’s house has always been a cool place to go. You will want it to stay that way!
So, what can we do? This is a brand new experience for your family. It may be a brand new experience for mom and dad as well. That is why we must be gentle and let this first-time experience be handled delicately.
Tip #1 Listen More Than You Speak
We really do have a lot of experience, right. I know, I raised four children of my own. Now I have four grandchildren too. So, I know a thing or two. You probably do too, but, slow down now.
I like to view my new role as a grandparent more like a sideline fan than a coach. Listening to new moms talk about all the information she learns is such a precious privilege. Usually, they already know all that you have done. When the time comes for questions to be answered, you will know.
In the beginning, it is best to listen twice as much as you speak. When a less than confident mom sees your compassion and attentiveness, she will want to ask you for advice at some point.

Tip #2 Try Not To Use Certain Phrases
Being new grandparents doesn’t mean you are inexperienced. That point is obvious, right? So this may be the place you have to really hold your tongue.
Psalm 141:3
King David
3 Set a guard over my mouth, Lord;
keep watch over the door of my lips.
Watching what we say can be a paramount task. The words just want to come out sometimes. The truth is no one will benefit from phrases like:
Well, that’s not how we did it.
Why would you do that?
My children survived.
It seems a little overboard.
What we think and how we did it does not matter now. Usually, new parents have to learn from their own mistakes and successes. I have learned that no matter how many times you tell new mothers, babies should sleep in their own beds, they must learn this on their own.
Using phrases that a new mom fears hearing will only make her defensive. So, again, wait to be heard and save the phrases she fears most for conversations with your spouse.
Tip #3 New Grandparents Don’t Need To Buy Everything Necessary or Desirable
It is so tempting to buy new babies’ things. There is a lot out there to buy and most of it is stinkin’ cute. I have to really think about this one myself.
You know yourself, the kitchen sink is the perfect bathtub for new babies. It will be tempting to buy the newest alternative to the kitchen sink. Wait and see what the new parents want. They may want the newest thing out there, but they may not.
New grandparents need to wait and see what the parents will do. Listen, and follow their wishes. If they really want something that has not already been given, you will have the perfect opportunity.
New babies are welcomed home with many gifts now, there will still be something left off their list that you can buy.
Tip #4 Do What They Ask You To Do
Now, this may seem like a no brainer, but unfortunately, I have seen this in action. Being new grandparents is a privilege and your children will at some point allow you to watch their precious little one.
This is a time you can really shine by doing exactly what they ask you to do. If you are told to not give anything other than a 4-ounce bottle of breast milk to little junior, then don’t give anything else to little junior.
My mother-in-law had the sweetest prescription handwritten by her pediatrician. It was for a mixture of Carnation milk, Karo syrup and water for her newborn. Now if I had come home and she was giving something other then the bottles I left for her, I would have cringed.
The reality is that things change all the time. The things we used to do are not necessarily right or wrong, but they are not done anymore. The past teaches us all kinds of information. Moms make very informed decisions these days. We must allow them to test and try their own methods.
Babies never slept on their backs when ours grew up. Now that is the normal way of doing things. Encouraging practices that are not right anymore only leads to distrust.
Baby Sleep Myths Every Parent Should Know
You may need to read some articles about new practices for yourself. We can learn too.
Tip #5 New Grandparents Need To Give The New Parents Space
Visitors are wonderful when the new parents are ready. Let’s face it, we are the visitors now. A brand new baby is not ours. It may feel like it is, but the truth is the baby has parents.
See your new grandbaby when you are invited. Listening more than talking can help teach this tip. Your son or daughter will let you know what time is right for you to come.
If you have already had a grand time visiting the new baby, back off and give the parents some privacy. Offer to come when they are ready for you to come. You may even choose to stay in a hotel near the house, giving plenty of private time to new mom and dad.
Not all cases are the same. Mom may need you at night. She may be terribly tired and crave some rest. If that is the case, enjoy holding and cuddling your new grandbaby. Be flexible and open to helping any way you can.
Tip #5 The Most Important Tip Of All
Love the new baby, mom, and dad. They will be very needy at this time and it won’t just be the baby that needs things. As a matter of fact, the whole family will need you.
Honestly, the baby will probably need the very least, but mom and dad will want some help from you. So, as mentioned earlier, listen twice as much as talking and seize every opportunity to serve your new family.
Grandma and grandpa’s house is still a cool place to go. Right now you are laying the foundation for your future relationships. Being sensitive now and taking things slowly will help your relationship.
There really is nothing sweeter than when your grandchildren start to call your name. Even before they know your name when their precious little hands reach out for you to hold them.
That day will come, but only if you lay the right relationship out now with the new parents. Don’t rush and be over-exuberant. It will come naturally in time, because, let’s face it, parents do not have the time we do to listen and love our grandchildren as we do.
Honestly, Janet
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