How to get your brain right for the day today and tomorrow. There are so many thoughts that can sabatoge our minds right now. The stress of the moment can really ruin your thoughts and moments in life.
We are in the midst of a real crisis and I would love to ask you where you are getting your water from? See, I woke up with a really bad attitude today and the funny things about this is that I went to bed with it.
I came home from a twelve hour shift tired. My husband took me to work and picked me up. That was awesome. I sat down after eating and fell asleep in my chair. Then my husband woke me up and I was ill. No good reason to be ill except my own selfishness from being disturbed from rest.
Being tired and not taking care of business is detrimental
When we are tired and have not taken care of some bare essentials in life it leads to problems. We have to learn to take care of ourselves in real ways, ways that are about our spirit and our souls as well as physically.
So rest and eating properly are important parts of self care. They are at the top of the list, but they are not necessarily the only thing we need to be taking care of. There are other parts of our lives that need to be looked at.
Our emotional and spiritual being also has to be kept up and in the right ways.
Chose The right way to get your brain right
When I woke up in the same bad mood I went to bed with I realized. I know that I have days, and maybe you do too, that I am angry. Maybe you are too. This crisis has affected so many areas of life. I have a newborn grandson that I’ve held twice since March 5th.
We have choices to make about how to fill the moments and times in history. The choices can be powerful and life changing or they can be the same kind of choices we always make. It’s easy to fall back into the way we always handle difficult times.
If its easy and comfortable it maybe all wrong
Get your brain right by getting your heart right.
Do not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
-Romans 12:2 St Paul
We love to fall back into old habits. They are comfortable as temporarily uplifting sometimes. This makes me think of the woman at the well. You may be familiar with this woman. She is talked about in the Bible. John 4: 14-26 She was well known in her community. Some people call her the Samaritan women.
I personally think she came every day to the community watering hole at a time no one else would be there because she wanted to be alone. Have you ever just wanted to alone, not answering anyone’s questions and just sitting?
When Jesus spoke to her she was alarmed because he was Jewish and because she came to be alone, maybe this was a guilty pleasure for her. We know about her life previously because Jesus reveals it to us.
Serial seekers, that’s us
She is what I would call a serial seeker. You know people like that, don’t you? They go from one experience after another seeking the perfect thing to fill some kind of hole in our lives. They are always looking for something to satisfy the soul. Apparently hers was in relationships. Jesus asked her about her husband. She says she has no husband. He then replies, ” No you have had 5 husbands, but the last you did not bother to marry.”
We probably could sing a little song for her that goes like this, “Looking for love in all the wrong places. Looking for love in too many faces.” Well, you know what I mean.
Where are we looking for fulfillment?
We can’t be too harsh on her, she just liked men and thought they would fulfill her deepest needs. The places we look for peace, comfort, and fulfillment are not any more satisfying then hers.
Some people go to alcohol, food, skydiving, exercise, sex, smoking, thrill-seeking, shopping, to fulfill their desires.
It takes time to find out nothing will satisfy our hearts and minds the way Jesus will. The funny thing is that other than Jesus nobody knows what we think will fulfill us better than the devil. He has been watching us for a very long time.
Satan has been watching us for a lifetime, and he knows what our weaknesses’ are and when you try us with them.
The woman at the well thought she was coming for a moment’s peace. She wanted to get away from this unsatisfying 6th relationship, if only momentarily. You can almost hear her aggravation when she pretty much says to Jesus, now who are you?
Getting the brain right starts with the heart
Getting our mind right or our brain right has a lot to do with what we are putting in it. The woman at the well came to fill an empty bucket, at least that is what we are lead to believe.
Jesus knew her empty bucket was not her only problem. She was seeking so much more. She was never going to be right. Her empty bucket had to be filled with more. We love to fill our buckets up with nothing of value. Poor mothers have this problem all the time. They often fill their empty buckets with all kinds of useless activities and things.
That’s where Jesus steps in
I like to think of Jesus as the hero here. See, he knew the Samaritan woman better than she knew herself. A man that steps up as her savior, knowing she needs her mind renewed. He says, “whoever drinks of the water I give will never be thirsty again.”
Jesus reminds us that the water he offers, living water, is transformative. That’s the kind of water we need. If we want our thoughts to change and our brains to be rewired we need the living water.
In John 4: 12-14 she says, “Please give me that water!” In a moment she knew what was needed in her life.
What about you, are you struggling in your mind, heart and soul? Do you need a transformation?
Guess what, she left her empty bucket right there! The Samaritan woman ran into her village in broad daylight and said come see the man that KNOWS ME.
She had found only a true way to change her heart and mind. The bucket was left behind. She didn’t need that old thing anymore.
Want to get your mind right today
If you want to get your mind right today, stop searching for things that will not satisfy your thirst.
23 But the hour is coming and is now here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
John 4:23-24
Weird times right
These are some weird times right? People are sitting around thinking. Some are thinking about all the things they used to do. Others are sad and angry about what they can’t do anymore.
Jesus said His Father is looking for worshipers. He is looking for men and women to worship Him mind, body and soul.
Now is the perfect time to do that. Leave your old empty bucket at the well that does not fulfill. There is no amount of TV, books, alcohol, chocolate, or even sex that will transform your everyday life like Jesus.
Take some of this living water and pour it out, over your heart and mind. Sing to the Lord and cry out for an overwhelming filling of the Holy Spirit.
We all need to learn how to transform our minds and heart. What are you seeking? How is your mind is forever changed?

Hey, what do you think? Let me know and if you have time follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.