Knowing how to cheer yourself up, safely is a skill we all need to learn. Turning to alcohol or drugs are not the best alternatives.
Choose To Move
If you want to read all the mumbo jumbo about exercise and improving your emotional state go to the article from Harvard. It has been well documented that exercise improves your state of mind.
Recently I came home from work pretty bummed. It had been a very long day on the COVID floor. Usually, my method of handling this kind of day is to hit the couch, but instead, I asked my hubby if he’d like to go for a walk.
I actually felt so much better when I finished the walk. I felt my reflexes relax and just concentrate on the activity. My mind slowed down.
Exercise offers so many benefits. It is the one activity a doctor will encourage for any ailment, especially when you need cheering up.
Gather together
Need cheering up, it’s time to call in the troops. Being around other people makes us happy. The conversation can be light and not too serious. You may have to be choosy about who the company may be, but sitting around with a group of friends is a sure-fire way to get a bit more cheery.
To cheer yourself up safely in life Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived knew the best medicine. Get together with someone that makes you laugh. Laughter makes the heart feel like and, well quite frankly, cheerful. Laughing with others increases the feeling of cheerfulness and sometimes it really is all we need.
Speak truth to yourself
Cheering yourself up safely is the goal
I am not talking about thinking happy thoughts or positive thoughts. Although those are some good ideas. Those practices will only temporarily help you out. Cheering yourself up through speaking the truth to yourself is different.
Often times when we feel down in the dumps our minds are working against us. Believe it or not, you can change the way you think. It doesn’t have to be done with destructive behaviors. It can just be a matter of speaking the truth to yourself.
When Saint Matthew said, “Do not worry about tomorrow.” he was well aware of our mind and how it can play tricks on us. So, the next time your thoughts are not truthful speak out loud to the lie.
Like this, my mind may say, “I always make the wrong choice.” The truth is, no one makes the wrong choice EVERY TIME. Choices are like stars, there are a lot of them. Some may be better that others, but we don’t ALWAYS make the wrong ones.
Think of the times we make a choice that was not the best as just that. It was a good choice but not the best. You may even feel like it was not the worst one too. Cheer yourself up by talking to yourself out loud the truth.
Feeling sorry for yourself is an easy way to go. It takes very little effort or training for that, because we naturally think of ourselves first. Even a two year old will say something is “mine” or “not fair”. Two year olds spend a lot of time thinking about themselves. Frankly, they spend all of their time thinking about themselves.
We are no longer two and can learn to speak the truth to ourselves. Practice redirecting your thoughts. Speak out loud and tell yourself the truth about your day and where it is going.

Dance it out
Now hear me out on this one, okay? We have already talked about motion and exercise. They really do the heart good, but so does dancing. When I feel really down and out I crank up the music. The kind you can help but dance crazy to.
Maybe that is The Glenn Miller Band for you. For me, it’s some KC and the Sunshine Band or We the Kingdom. Anything that lets your mind follow your heart. Motion and music are a remedy for cheerfulness. Cheer yourself up with the sounds that make you happy.
If singing Disney music like, “Let It Go” and dancing the night away will help you, cheer yourself up, then do it.
Indulge yourself
You are entitled to cheer yourself up every once in a while with a guilty pleasure. A pedicure is mine. I like to take a book and just relax. It usually takes about an hour and I love every minute.
There are plenty of things you can do to indulge yourself. They don’t all have to cost anything. A bath can be a way to indulge yourself. Reading for a while or actually looking at the magazines you have had come in the mailbox.
Anything you set aside and say, “this is my time” can be indulgent. Sometimes a long shower, fixing my hair, and putting on real clothes can be indulgent. Make is whatever gives you a boost.
Put away the thoughts of the day
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,
2 Corinthians 10:5
Sometimes it is necessary to actually take the thought of the day, if it’s a negative one and throw it down. Winning over your mind may take you writing the negative thoughts down and throwing them out.
Pray over the thoughts that are worrying you today. Acknowledge them, then put them inside a cage in your mind and lock them up. Visually practice moving on from the thoughts that hold our imaginations. The ones we need to get rid of.
Someone once told me, “Don’t let a good thing become a bad thing and keep you from the best things.” Pretty good advice there, right?
So Practically speaking cheer yourself up
Don’t let your own mind steal your joy. Practice these steps and take your day back from the one who came to steal and destroy. Honestly, Janet
Tell me how you cheer yourself up.
I love that root gif — it made me laugh! You always have the best advice.
Exercising takes my mind off of what has me feeling down, and typically changes my perspective on whatever was bothering me in the first place. Praying and reading scripture is another way. As soon as I go into prayer, I feel a sort of calm wash over me.
Itโs pretty impressive the statistics on exercise improving your mood and of course prayer changes everything!
Amazing advice!! I have just getting up and put some music on. Thank you janet ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ
That is probably my favorite or a car jam session is a good one too. Love you