Hi there, I’m Janet
Life Lived Honestly
I’m a Nurse by day, wife, mom, and many other roles by night. I’ve been the author of this blog for about 4 years now. It’s been a huge learning curve for me, but I have loved every minute of it and because of this blog I’ve met some really amazing people.
Guess what, I have been where you probably are right now. Life is full of surprises. Some are good surprises and some are not. Because of my relationship with Jesus, my life has been changed, not perfect, but changed. I rest in His peace with all circumstances in my life.
Just Being Me
I am just a southern girl living for Jesus and wanting to make a difference in other people’s lives. You could say I have been living the dream. I’ve been married to the same man for over 38 years now and there isn’t a day that goes by that I am not thankful for that gift.
We raised 4 children and I will tell you that I still do not know how I survived that feat except by God’s grace. I struggle with my weight and I like to watch too many British detective shows. I love to sew and read. I commit to too many things sometimes and regret it.
We raised 4 children and I will tell you that I still do not know how I survived that feat except by God’s grace. I struggle with my weight and I like to watch too many British detective shows. I love to sew and read. I commit to too many things sometimes and regret it.
Some of my goals this year,
To become a better listener. Really practice with each person I am having a conversation with.
Have a daily prayer life that includes prayer for others that do not know Jesus.

Check out my travel tips
I take a lot of photos, and I’d love for you to check them out. Head over to my travel pages and enjoy with me.
Have A More Prayer Centered Life
Ever worry about how little time you have in a day.
Me too, but we all get the same number of hours, 24. So let’s find some ways to use it wisely and take care of the important things.

Bullet Journal tips
I’m always looking for ways to get more organized and productive. I love to journal and declutter. I have post about ways to do this too.
How To Bullet Journal
Productivity and organization are a big deal to me. I also like to try to live a clean and healthy lifestyle. There are a few things I can help you with. I know how to put out a pretty good spread at supper time. Especially for a big crowd and I know how to travel. Read More..
How to handle conflict is something that needs to be figured out, because there will be conflict, right? Anytime people live together there is going to be conflict. I remember one of the first fights my hubby and I had. Read More
7 Tips for decluttering
7 Tips for people who are ready to declutter are no good unless you find individual motivation. You might be asking yourself, why do you say, “ready to declutter.”? Well, the truth is you have to be ready. Decluttering is really not a one and done kind of thing. Read More…
Tips For Surviving a Diy project
DIY projects are our thing. We have done 3 kitchens. The budget has always been a necessity for us and we have learned a lot throughout the years. Browse some of our projects. Read More...
For the rest, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are noble, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are amiable, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if any praise, think on these things.
St. Paul
Drop me a comment!
I love to hear from you. I don’t have it all figured out, but I’m working on it and we can work on it together.